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Cursor Pro Automation Tool Guide

Automatic account registration and local token refresh, completely hands-free operation.

Important Notes

  1. Make sure Google Chrome browser is installed. Need it? Download here
  2. You must be logged into Cursor Web, regardless of whether the account is valid
  3. Ensure stable internet connection, preferably with international access. Do not use global proxy

Download & Installation

  1. Download the latest version from GitHub Releases
  2. Choose the version for your system:
    • Windows: Download and run CursorPro.exe directly
    • Mac (Intel): Choose x64 version
    • Mac (M series): Choose ARM64(aarch64) version

Additional Steps for Mac Users

  1. Open terminal and navigate to the application directory
  2. Make the file executable with:
chmod +x ./CursorPro

If you see this security prompt, click here for the solution

Security Prompt


Important Prerequisite

Cloudflare domain email is mandatory! Complete these steps first:

  1. Host your domain on Cloudflare
  2. Configure domain email in Cloudflare
  3. Set up email routing rules

Cloudflare Email Setup

  1. In Cloudflare dashboard, click "Email" on the left Cloudflare Email Setup

  2. Click "Routing Rules" Routing Rules

  3. Click "Edit" on the right Edit Rules

  4. Select "Forward to Email" and enter your target email (tempmail or IMAP) Forward Settings

Environment Configuration

  1. Download .env.example and rename it to .envEnvironment Config

Mac Users Note

If you can't rename, use terminal command:

touch .env

Use as your receiving email, configure .env file:

DOMAIN=''    # Your Cloudflare domain
TEMP_MAIL='xxxxxx'   # generated email address

Method 2: Using IMAP Email

If temporary email is not suitable, you can use your own email (like QQ, Gmail) with IMAP:

DOMAIN=''  # Your Cloudflare domain
TEMP_MAIL=null          # Set to null to enable IMAP mode

# IMAP Server Configuration  # e.g., QQ Mail, Gmail
IMAP_PORT=993               #  993    # Receiving email address
IMAP_PASS=xxxxxxxxxxxxx    # Email authorization code
# IMAP_DIR=                  # [Optional] Default is inbox

Running & Verification

Windows Users

Double-click CursorPro.exe to run

Mac Users

  1. Run in terminal:
  1. Or double-click in Finder

Verification Steps

  1. Wait for the program to complete all operations automatically
  2. When you see the "Script execution completed" prompt, restart your editor
  3. Verify that the account information shown in the editor matches the account in the script's output log

Usage Notes

  • Ensure stable network connection
  • Wait for the program to complete all operations automatically
  • Do not use global proxy


This tool is for learning and research purposes only. Please comply with relevant terms of service. Users assume all responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this tool. Commercial use is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to sales, rental, or other profit-making activities. Violations of the license terms will result in corresponding legal liability.

Support the Author

If this tool helps you, consider buying the author a bubble tea to motivate future updates!
